Special Episode | Gentle meditation to listen to the body’s wisdom

It is superfluous to say that the last few years have been challenging for many of us — especially for those that have delicate nervous systems or are in general more sensitive.

The world as we know it has changed in so many ways, and there is a surrounding sense of instability. With that comes the fear of insecurity, a feeling of scarcity and doubt. I personally have noticed a heightened level of nervousness around change, and find that I seek stability — that I crave nurturing relationships and environments. 

If you are caught in the feeling of those tense vibrations, know that you are not alone. Sensitivity is a gift, though it may not always feel like it. But with that sensitivity we can find ways to nurture and soothe our system. We can acknowledge the chaos, and then bring ourselves back to a grounded and resourced space. 


As many of you know, I have been studying psychology as well as different somatic therapeutic approaches for a number of years now, and I am deeply grateful for the tools they have brought me. I have been applying a lot of soothing techniques and practices such as orienting, different breathing techniques, sounding, and meditation to ground and continuously stabilize and strengthen my nervous system.

Today, I want to bring some of those techniques to you. Inspired by all I have felt and learned through this process, I have recorded a gentle meditation designed to soothe and calm the nervous system. 

It is 6 minutes long and will bring you on a journey to see yourself, ground yourself, and comfort yourself. It is one thing I can offer to you, from my gentle system to yours. 

I hope it brings a sense of calm, resource, and ease into your soul today, and any day you wish to revisit it. 

Please feel welcome to share this recording with anyone you feel would benefit from it. When we nurture and share with one another, we create a collective lift with all those we touch. Together, we form a net that carries strength far beyond what one fiber alone can withstand. 

A net that’s here to catch you, if ever you should fall. 

Close your eyes now, press play, and sink back into yourself, your body, your gentle spirit…


Episode 11 | ‘How to truly be’ with Kate Reardon


Episode 10 | What it really means to love yourself with Gina Swire