Episode 11 | ‘How to truly be’ with Kate Reardon

In this episode, I am speaking with my dear friend Kate Reardon, as she shares with us how to come back to our natural instincts, how the be the fullest version of ourselves and live our truth. Fascinated by the way she weaves the tapestry of healing and health, I listen to her sharing her personal insights as a naturopath, healer, and mother.

Here are some of the things Kate and I cover in this episode: 

  • The mind-body connection and how emotions can physically manifest in the body

  • Kate's journey into motherhood including her experience with miscarriage

  • Giving yourself grace, and maintaining life balance as a mother

  • What practices does Kate use to stay aligned and attuned to her intuition (including what we’ll share for this month’s meditation episode of Sensitive Matters!)

  • How Christina and Kate know each other and their journey together as friends living in Bali as female entrepreneurs

  • The inspirations behind her book "The Essential Cleanse" and how her retreat participants created the motivation to bring this work into the world

  • What pieces of Ananda sold jewelry does Kate wear that represent important milestones in her life

  • Kate's upcoming mentorship and what that looks like in living in accordance with the moon and it's monthly cycles


In this episode, Kate also offers a special opportunity for our listeners to rest deep within themselves– to release tension and connect with our womb and the wisdom it offers us through her special mini-meditation.

This meditation includes a body scan that brings the focus back into the breath and breathes life into this sacred space of creation.

Staying connected to our womb space and healing with the angelic energy of this meditation is a tool that Kate herself uses to stay aligned and release tension and trauma stored within the body.

Join Kate as she facilitates this guided journey offering us all permission to release what doesn’t serve us and make space for unconditional love and remembrance of who we truly are. 

Kate Reardon is a mother of three girls, a naturopath, yoga teacher, intuitive healer, author, podcast host, and co-founder of Natural Instinct Healing, a boutique retreat center based in Ubud, Bali, that offers both retreats on-site as well as in Byron Bay, Australia and online. 

Kate is also the author of ‘The Essential Cleanse’, a book about her own cleansing method toward a more fulfilled, joyful, and lighthearted way of living.

Kate’s work has been featured in high-profile media such as BBC Travel, Women’s Health & Fitness Magazine, and more.

We hope you enjoy this episode! Listen up and please share your feedback.

You can also watch the video of our conversation here:

Find out more about Kate Reardon and Natural Instinct Healing here:


Special Episode | New Moon Meditation


Special Episode | Gentle meditation to listen to the body’s wisdom