Episode 2 | 'Unstuck, transform and grow' with Marina Kolaric

The 2nd episode of our #changetheworldalittlepodcast leads us to a rather familiar face (if you have been staying up to date with our recent Ananda Soul campaigns): Marina Kolaric.

Marina has been a crucial part of two of our last campaign photoshoots, but more importantly she is an inspiring therapist, psychologist and coach specialised on Mindfulness-Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR) and ‘Compassionate Inquiry’, a therapy approach by Gabor Mate. 

I originally met Marina on the Gabor Mate training and was drawn to her presence and the fact that she, too, was living in Bali in the midst of a pandemic.

During our chat for #changetheworldalittle we speak about the rollercoaster impacts of 2020, mindfulness practices and how to tackle the impermanence of life – with deep surrender and mindfulness.

To learn more about Marina, take a look here


Episode 3 | Ayurveda – About the science of life with Dr. Sujatha


EPISODE 1 | ‘The practice of presence’ with Kat Dawes