Special Episode - Yoga Nidra for Mental Health with Emily Kuser

In the past decade, mental health has made the limelight amongst the world population. Recent studies show that anxiety and mood disorders are significantly high in today’s world which is no surprise during a time where daily hustle is celebrated and a pandemic is keeping people from living their lives to their fullest.

Yoga Nidra, known as the 'Yogic sleep' is an ancient practice that invokes deep relaxation and calmness of the heart. We have teamed up with the beautiful Emily Kuser, a dear friend, a wonderful Yoga teacher in the fields of Classical Tantra, Hatha Yoga, Somatics and Integrated Sexuality and self-care. I have known Emily for over 12 years and she is one of my dearest and closest friends, working her magic throughout the entire world with her offerings and her fun and honest approach.

Enjoy this free Yoga Nidra meditation 

Before you hit play, find a comfortable, quiet place to lie down. You might want to cover your body with a blanket. Enjoy!

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Watch this conversation between Christina & Emily to find out a bit more about the benefits of Yoga Nidra. 

Want to learn more?

Learn more about Emily and Yoga Nidra here


Here's why we changed our podcast name to Sensitive Matters


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