HER STORIES – Life in a female body | EP 02 with Soma Temple

Last week we launched our new podcast mini series HER STORIES – Life in a female body. Our first episode was with Emily Kuser in which we explored the experience of living and growing a new life in a pregnant body. 

Bodies come in many shapes, sizes, ages and stages of health. As humans and almost on a daily basis, we are exposed to standardized perceptions of what a beautiful, strong and healthy body and their features should look and feel like. We meet peer judgement, silent judgement and our own self-talk, oftentimes without even asking where these ways of thinking and believing are truly coming from.

In this series ‘HER STORIES – Life in a female body’ we interviewed an incredible mix of inspiring women that all represent in their own ways different facets and aspects of beauty with having on thing in common: they are without any doubt beautiful. 

Our second interview is with Soma Temple, who is 68 year old, owner of Om Rudraksha, her own mala company and a close member of our community in Bali, Indonesia.  

In this episode we explore with Soma her story of moving through the ages. We hope you will love it! 


HER STORIES – Life in a female body | EP 03 with Sophie Siegel


HER STORIES – Life in a female body | EP 01 with Emily Kuser