Episode 8 | Michaela Boehm on connection, self-pleasure, love & relationships

This month’s episode is particularly delicious! With Michaela Boehm as this month’s special guest on the Sensitive Matters podcast, we dive deep into the sensual world of the wild woman and speak about sensuality, self-pleasure, good sex and relationships and what it means to rewild yourself.

Michaela Boehm is an expert in intimacy, relationship and sexuality and has been active in this field for over 20 years. She is a teacher, author, mentor and thought leader whose work centers around the intersection of intimacy and embodiment with a method she created, named The Non-Linear Movement Method. She is also the author of the book ‘The Wild Woman’s Way’, a handbook for the high-achieving modern woman. Some of you might have heard about her in Netflix’ latest show ‘sex, love & goop’ alongside Gwyneth Paltrow.

‘Sensitive Matters’, is a podcast that features gentle conversations on sensitive, important matters such as mental health, conscious consumerism, sexuality, spirituality, ethical business and more.

We hope you enjoy this episode! Listen up and leave your feedback below! 

Learn more about Ananda Soul Jewelry here: www.anandasoul.com

More about Michaela Boehm: https://www.michaelaboehm.com/


Episode 9 | All about nourishment of body and soul with Chef Cynthia Louise


Episode 7 | Christina Zipperlen her Journey to Self