Episode 22 | The power of Now with Kat Dawes

She was our number one guest on the Sensitive Matters podcast. And we are so happy to have her back again, for episode 22.

If you haven’t met her yet, Kat Dawes is a performance philosopher, author, spiritual coach, and creator of the practice of Nowism.

As a Now-Ninja she challenges us to be in the present moment and to fall deeper in love with our "mindfulness muscle" in our ever distracting distracted world. Kat made it her calling to teach people to use their superpower and what it means to audaciously invest in the higher vibrations for the purpose of activating our inherent potential. 

This brand new episode covers the following topics:

  • Kat Dawes' background as a performance philosopher, author, spiritual coach, and creator of the practice of Nowism

  • The importance of being present in the moment and flexing our "mindfulness muscle" in a world full of distractions

  • Kat's discovery of the power of taking a vow to now and reframing negative thought patterns into positive manifestations

  • The idea that the quality of the present moment flavors our future manifestations

  • The creation of Nowism as a game to make mindfulness practice engaging and compelling

  • The role of thoughts and vibes in shaping our character traits and patterns, and how to catch ourselves before reacting and choose a higher response

  • The need for commitment and discipline to create a higher response to life and break free from negative patterns

  • Answers to the questions: How can we stay present in the face of distractions? What is the power of manifestation? How can we break free from patterns of negative thinking and feeling?

We truly hope you love this episode as much as we do! Listen and leave us a review and your feedback below!

Learn more about Kat Dawes and Nowism here:


Kat's favorite Ananda Soul Jewelry:

Shine Necklace: https://anandasoul.com/products/shine-necklace

Into the Light Necklace: https://anandasoul.com/products/into-the-light-necklace


Episode 23 | Nancy Aronie & the Healing Power of Writing


Episode 21 | Tara Judelle on living life in flow