What truly makes you beautiful…


As I was laying in Savasana a few days ago, a really loud voice in my head said: “Confidence is the hottest thing ever” I smiled from ear to ear – there are certain things I hear myself think now that would have never been in my reality in the past. Daily thoughts around insecurity, fear, scarcity, etc. used to be on the thought-agenda only a few years back.

Lately I’ve been listening to and reading a lot of Brené Brown, an American scholar who calls herself a ‘shame-researcher’. Diving more and more into her work I am in awe how much I have been holding back in my life out of the fear of vulnerability. And yet only through vulnerability are we able to experience the things we crave for most: love, connection, creative expression, self-realisation, … NOW – if those aren’t things worth showing up as our true selves for??!! And the irony is that every time we see somebody show up as themselves courageously we find it so incredibly attractive. Yet it is the one thing we are so afraid of to do ourselves. I’d love to share one of the Brené’s talks in which she speaks about the epidemic of shame in our society and how we can shift our lives by showing up in our vulnerability.


Could there be a message in all this insanity?


Fuzzy socks, my depression remedy and a heart full of gratitude